API Documentation


Welcome to the API documentation. Our API allows you to generate custom placeholder images, lorem ipsum text, quotes, jokes, weather information, recipes, and holdicons programmatically. This comprehensive guide will help you integrate our services into your applications with ease.


No authentication is required to use our API. However, please be mindful of our rate limits and fair usage policy. We recommend including your application name in the User-Agent header for better request tracking and support.

Base URL

All API requests should be made to:


1. Placeholder Images

Endpoint: /image/{width}/{height}

Method: GET


  • width (required): Width of the image in pixels
  • height (required): Height of the image in pixels
  • background (optional): Background color (hex code without #)
  • text (optional): Custom text to display on the image
  • font (optional): Font family for the text (default: Arial)
  • format (optional): Image format (jpg, png, webp; default: png)

Example: /image/300/200?background=ff0000&text=Hello%20World&font=Roboto&format=webp

2. Lorem Ipsum

Endpoint: /lorem-ipsum

Method: GET


  • paragraphs (optional): Number of paragraphs to generate (default: 1)
  • words (optional): Number of words per paragraph (default: 100)
  • format (optional): Output format (html, text; default: text)

Example: /lorem-ipsum?paragraphs=3&words=50&format=html


Endpoint: /quotes

Method: GET


  • category (optional): Specific category of quotes (e.g., inspirational, funny, love)
  • author (optional): Filter quotes by author name

Returns a random quote or a quote matching the specified criteria.

Example: /quotes?category=inspirational&author=Einstein

4. Jokes

Endpoint: /jokes

Method: GET


  • category (optional): Joke category (e.g., programming, general, knock-knock)
  • lang (optional): Language of the joke (default: en)

Returns a random joke or a joke from the specified category.

Example: /jokes?category=programming&lang=en

5. Weather

Endpoint: /weather

Method: GET


  • city (required): Name of the city
  • country (optional): Country code (e.g., US, GB, FR)
  • units (optional): Units of measurement (metric, imperial; default: metric)

Example: /weather?city=London&country=GB&units=metric

6. Recipes

Endpoint: /recipes

Method: GET


  • category (optional): Category of recipes (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner)
  • cuisine (optional): Cuisine type (e.g., Italian, Mexican, Chinese)
  • diet (optional): Dietary restrictions (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free)
  • limit (optional): Number of recipes to return (default: 1, max: 10)

Example: /recipes?category=dinner&cuisine=Italian&diet=vegetarian&limit=5

7. Holdicons

Endpoint: /holdicons/{size}

Method: GET


  • size (required): Size of the icon in pixels (e.g., 32, 64, 128)
  • text (optional): Text to generate an icon from (if not provided, a random icon will be generated)
  • color (optional): Color of the icon (hex code without #)
  • background (optional): Background color (hex code without #)

Returns a random icon or an icon generated based on the provided text.

Example: /holdicons/64?text=ABC&color=ffffff&background=000000

Rate Limits

To ensure fair usage, we limit requests to 100 per hour per IP address. If you exceed this limit, you'll receive a 429 Too Many Requests response. The response will include a Retry-After header indicating how long to wait before making another request.

Error Handling

Our API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general:

  • 2xx range indicate success
  • 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted)
  • 5xx range indicate an error with our servers


If you have any questions or need assistance with our API, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at We're here to help you integrate our services seamlessly into your applications.